Just Jess

Digging Deeper

Level Up Your UX!

One aspect that developers, especially frontend developers, need to understand in order to create excellent products is the user experience. At the end of the day, we’re making technology for humans, not machines, so there’s a lot of factors that we need to consider when developing our applications. It’s important that we take a look at UX development principles and create empathy based technology.

Another Day, Another Framework

One of my favorite things in the world is trying new things, and I’ve recently been trying out Angular. Having a pretty solid understanding of React, it seems that there are a lot of similarities between the two frameworks. While I haven’t been learning Angular long, I thought I’d cover some basics I’ve learned so far.

JavaScript, JavaScript Everywhere!

Sometimes I think it’s important to go back over the basics and always remember a language’s foundation. So, I thought I’d review JavaScript’s major concepts and create a reference guide for these ideas. Feel free to use this post as a study guide or a review as I will keep it quick and to the point.

Selecting a CSS Selector

One area I’m trying to improve my abilities on is CSS. I’ve noticed that it’s something that seems to come with practice and knowing what your options are. I thought I’d put together a post with some CSS selector options (with explanations) to help you decide what is the best one for you to use!

Address-ing a New Challenge

I was recently given a coding challenge by a company, and my fingers were nearly twitching in excitement to get started on it. I forced myself to be patient, read the requirements and expectations clearly and then work through a plan of attack for the project. The challenge was fairly simple: create an address book out of the data received through an API.